IT Portfolio Management at E.ON with Dr. Tobias Hartwich

Calling everyone working in portfolio management!  

In this interview, Markus from Uffective talks to Dr. Tobias Hartwich from E.ON about best practices in portfolio management and how the global IT team work more productively using Uffective. 

In the talk, they cover how they:

  • Moved away from using Access and Powerpoint to a full portfolio management system 
  • Benefit from using a single live tool over multiple documents 
  • Can quickly implement their team’s feedback 
  • Implement common governance and frameworks globally, rather than using segmented local systems 
  • Have more control of their IT investments and budgets 
  • Are now forecasting all their midterm plans using Uffective 
  • Consolidate all their data sources into simple, easy to create real-time dashboards
  • Save time on reporting as quality data is automatically integrated 
  • Use machine learning capabilities to enable teams to save time and resources by automatically highlighting similarities in over 600 projects 

And lots more. It’s an unmissable listen for anyone looking to improve their portfolio. management.

Dr. Tobias Hartwich | Global Portfolio Analyst at E.ON

“The Uffective tool allows us to capture data in a stable process which is flexible enough to be quickly adjusted to changing customer, user, and management needs. Combined with the customer centricity and creativity of the Uffective colleagues, we have found a partner that constantly helps us develop our portfolio management approach.”

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